
Mission & Vision

Sometimes, families impacted by a disaster or humanitarian crisis just need a kind word, a referral for services, or assistance for an unmet need.  We are here to provide that solution. 

Recent Programs

We do a lot to improve life for people in need!

Meet Our Board Members

Laurie A. Robinson, MBA

Founder & Board Secretary/Treasurer

Interim Executive Director

By the grace of God many of us have never experienced the difficulties thousands of people endure in the world every day. Can you imagine what it’s like to be displaced from your home and / or country because of a disaster or humanitarian crisis? It happens to people around the world every day.


With that thought, our team at Disaster & Humanitarian Services, Inc. a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, strives to be the solution for people who need assistance. We’re all looking to make a difference in our world and we believe by focusing on people who need emergency assistance - in a kind, caring and respectful manner, we can make the most substantial impact the life's we serve.

The world is made up of these important connections and if you foster them positively, they’ll pay huge dividends - in love, care, and a better world.